Welcome to the More Masonic Temple web page. This page replaces the old mooremasonictemple.com website. Reservation request instructions can be found below on this page.
Moore Masonic Temple is located at 51 W. William Street, Delaware, Ohio. The Temple is home to the following Masonic organizations:
Hiram Masonic Lodge No. 18 F. &A. M.
Delaware Chapter No. 54 R.A.M.
Sidney Moore Council No. 84 R.&S.M.
George L. Behrens Chapter No. 504 O.E.S.
Bethel No. 22 Job’s Daughters International
Allied Masonic Degrees
Saint Thomas of Acon Ohio Chapel No. 70
Delaware Scottish Rite Club
Franklin County Memorial Lodge
If you would like to schedule your Masonic event at Moore Masonic Temple, please complete the following:
- Check the calendar at the bottom of this page for Temple availability.
- Identify a member of Hiram Lodge No. 18 who will be the sponsor for you event. (Sponsor must be present for your event)
- Complete the form below to submit your request.
- You will receive a response within 5 business days

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