The Early 1900’s (Part 2)

in 1907 a communication was received from the M.W. Grand Master informing the Lodge that Bro. Rev. Paul R. Hickok, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this city, had been appointed Grand Chaplin of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. In 1909 Delaware Council #84 by action of the Grand Council was renamed Sidney Moore Council #84.

During 1910, the Trustees were authorized to cut through the walls from the club room into the dining room and into the reception hall. Later a weakness was reported in the South wall the building. This was corrected by installing heavy iron rods to hold the wall from spreading further.

By 1911, W.B. Wm. E. Moore presented the Lodge with several volumes for the Library, among them a copy of Mackey’s Masonic Law which was found on a campground in the South during the Civil War.

In 1912, the Lodge decided to buy a new motor for the Organ, but after an investigation, the committee was informed by the Light Company that in the next few years the electric would be changed to A.C. cycle which necessitate the purchase of another motor. It was decided to have the electric current shut off and have the Tyler pump the Organ, allowing him $2.00 extra for doing so.

A vote of thanks was extended to Bro. C.W. McKeehan for looking after the damage done to the Temple by the cyclone on June 16, 1912. From the bills presented, it would indicate the Temple suffered considerable damage: bills for cutting down trees $22.00, rebuilding chimneys and repairing mantles $36.50, roofing repairs $204.45 and carpenter work $15.79.

In 1913 the Trustees were considering the installation of Mazda electric bulbs to replace the old carbon bulbs.

The influence of Sidney Moore continued. His widow, who died in 1917 left a bequest of $10,000 as an endowment to the Lodge. Taxes took $475 of this and as usual someone made a claim of $2500 against Estate for six years of care for Mrs. Moore. This claim was rejected.

The project of creating a Masonic club room, which was first discussed in 1906, was finally him formatted in night team 19. Bills for $1170 were presented to cover the expenses.

The trustees reported the need for extensive repairs and improvements in 1919. These included a new hot air furnace.

The fire marshal required the Lodge to add a fire escape on the South side of the building sometime in the early 1920s.