A time to be Reborn

in 1846, Hiram Lodge became reactivated with just seven members and by 1853 there were forty-two active members. The following year there were sixty seven, However, in October 1857 so many brethren had withdrawn or been dismissed for non payment of dues that only thirty-five were reported to Grand Lodge. Fifty six members were reported in October 1861, ending the first, fifty years of the Lodge. The membership rose immediately after the Civil War and in 1867 members in good standing totaled 113.

In 1853, Hiram Lodge sponsored Equality Lodge #242 at Bellepoint. It only lasted five years having lost their charter in 1858.

In 1863 a case of “Emergency” was declared for a brother who was an Officer in the army and whose regiment was to be called soon. He was passed and raised on October 26th.

“Emergent” Lodges as they were designated, were frequently called to accommodate brethren who were to leave to join the army.

November 16, 1863, the Tyler’s salary was raised to $1.00.

In 1866 the Tyler was ordered to furnish suitable refreshments for the brethren after the ceremony of raising a candidate.

In 1868 the Masons of Delaware County, including Hiram Lodge were invited to the laying of the cornerstone of the present Delaware County Court House.

In 1869 the Lodge was looking for new quarters and received a proposal from Reynolds and Frank that they would build a third story on their proposed building (where the McClelland store is now located) and finish it for a Masonic Hall and lease it to Hiram Lodge for not less than fifteen years for a sum not to exceed two hundred and sixty dollars per year. The Lodge accepted this proposition. The new hall was dedicated October 25, 1870.

In 1876, according to instructions received from Grand Lodge on August 3, the question of colored Masons would be considered at the next communication. As per instructions, the matter was taken up and the vote proved negative.3